I need a whole lotta help...
Keith is back home. He got home late last night or early morning, however you say it. He looks like he lost about 5 pounds and he has a tan on his face... He looks good, just tired. He took a long shower when he came home. He said they were only allowed short showers and somebody was timing them and then would turn off the water...oh yeah, they had to do the group type of shower thing. So, he was happy to take a nice long shower in private! LOL.... He slept in this morning and then did a sneak attack on Em. She was miserable from just hitting her head... she has been clumsy all morning. Anyway, She got all worked up and excited at the same time. I showed her Daddy's picture in her room and she would point to the picture then turn around and point to her Daddy... She was fine after a little while. She watched the Wiggles with Daddy while Mommy had her turn at along shower!
Keith is already back at work. I can't believe they didn't give them any time off. What a bunch of crap that is! Oh well, that's the Marine Corps for ya. At least they are giving them some extra days off for the 4th so that is nice.
Em is napping and after she wakes up I want to go look for a fort for her. Don't roll your eyes at me people, she keeps hitting her head under the kitchen table. And yes, I know she is spoiled so back off! She deserves it, she is a princess! This is kind of what I am thinking, but not so big... they have smaller versions. I am going to check out the local toy store and Walmarts. We shall see...

I called Em's doctor today and she is on vacation and her replacement has yet to call me. That annoys me. Em has been spitting up milk and has been having sour breath each time she drinks it. So, I guess her acid reflux is acting up again. The only problem is that I think it is just the milk causing it, nothing else. I really do not want to keep her on meds if I don't have to but then again I don't want her tummy bothering her either. So, I called for a consult and of course nobody has called me back. I'll probably just end up calling my back up, MOM... What do you think? And of course being the freak that I am I wanted to ask about her eye (don't roll your eyes at me dad!)... I got sunblock in her eye on Friday while trying to wash it off her head... Good job... Her eye was really irritated and the whole side of her face got pink... But after I washed it out and put some medicine in it it seemed okay. Well, now it just seems puffy under that eye and I want to make sure it is okay... I am getting myself all worked up thinking I am might have blinded my child or again (everyone eyeroll together now), maybe that is a sign of cancer or leukemia... See, I told you people I am a freak... I actually asked Keith if he noticed something about Emmy's eyes today ( you can hardly see the puffiness people), and he said that under her right eye it looks a little puffy... I almost threw up on the spot, seriously, I did...
I think I am such a freak about everything because it took us so long to have her... then the whole delivery.... I am just afraid I will loose her, like it is too good to be true. I hope I am not like this forever people....
Anyway, I guess I will go. Hope you all had a good weekend.... Later!
Keith is already back at work. I can't believe they didn't give them any time off. What a bunch of crap that is! Oh well, that's the Marine Corps for ya. At least they are giving them some extra days off for the 4th so that is nice.
Em is napping and after she wakes up I want to go look for a fort for her. Don't roll your eyes at me people, she keeps hitting her head under the kitchen table. And yes, I know she is spoiled so back off! She deserves it, she is a princess! This is kind of what I am thinking, but not so big... they have smaller versions. I am going to check out the local toy store and Walmarts. We shall see...

I called Em's doctor today and she is on vacation and her replacement has yet to call me. That annoys me. Em has been spitting up milk and has been having sour breath each time she drinks it. So, I guess her acid reflux is acting up again. The only problem is that I think it is just the milk causing it, nothing else. I really do not want to keep her on meds if I don't have to but then again I don't want her tummy bothering her either. So, I called for a consult and of course nobody has called me back. I'll probably just end up calling my back up, MOM... What do you think? And of course being the freak that I am I wanted to ask about her eye (don't roll your eyes at me dad!)... I got sunblock in her eye on Friday while trying to wash it off her head... Good job... Her eye was really irritated and the whole side of her face got pink... But after I washed it out and put some medicine in it it seemed okay. Well, now it just seems puffy under that eye and I want to make sure it is okay... I am getting myself all worked up thinking I am might have blinded my child or again (everyone eyeroll together now), maybe that is a sign of cancer or leukemia... See, I told you people I am a freak... I actually asked Keith if he noticed something about Emmy's eyes today ( you can hardly see the puffiness people), and he said that under her right eye it looks a little puffy... I almost threw up on the spot, seriously, I did...
I think I am such a freak about everything because it took us so long to have her... then the whole delivery.... I am just afraid I will loose her, like it is too good to be true. I hope I am not like this forever people....
Anyway, I guess I will go. Hope you all had a good weekend.... Later!