Monday, February 07, 2005

Do they make Dentures for Babies?

The past couple of days have been wonderful. Emily is back and her evil twin teething Emalee has left the building... at least for now anyways. All that pain, crying and torture and NO TEETH! Can you believe it? Crap, the girl is 10 months old and no fangs yet... I can tell she is getting tired of the baby food, she wants table food. I give her the mushy stuff but she is wanting the good stuff. Those stinking teeth better hurry up, one or two would be nice. I feel like we both went through the past few weeks for nothing. I'd be much happier knowing that the end result from this carnage was at least one simple pearly white, instead I know another round is coming. Mabye worse since a tooth still has to break through the skin. Oh well, for now I am enjoying her sweetness and her independence.
Emily is finally pushing herself on her knees and doing that back and forth wobble dance... she is going to be crawling soon but she is creeping already. She has also gotten pretty good at holding herself up. I don't get it. One day she isn't doing this stuff then the next day day she is. It is almost like God added a new software program while she was sleeping. "Shhh, don't wake the baby, she is downloading some new crawling program from God"... It is just so strange. How does that happen? I know the dogs inspire her to move... she loves trying to get their ears and suck on them. The other day she had Bree's ear in one hand and with the other she was feeling the fur on it and petting. Bree loves it, Tucker jumps 3 feet in the air everytime she grabs him. I think she scares him while he is sleeping. Otherwise he is good with her... he loves cramming his tounge down her throat. He acts like baby spit is a delicacy. Never mind if she spits up or vomits, they are both running down the hall like I just put out a plate of steak for them. It is so gross.
It has been so nice to be able to sit Em down without a scream to had. She has actually taken some naps by herself, do you know what that means for me! FREEDOM. Whether it is for 10 minutes or for 60 it is wonderful. Not that I don't love taking care of Emily, it is just nice sometimes to do a few things without having to worry about the baby. I feel guilty even saying that but it is true. Today she fell asleep in her playpen so I turned off the TV and layed down on the pallet of blankets on the floor next to her. The sun was shining through the open door with fresh warm air blowing in inviting me to take a nap myself. I did just that. The dogs of course joined me, they didn't want to waste the warming rays of the sun either. I layed there listening to Emmy breath and I driffted off. I slept for about 15 minutes but it is just what I needed to refresh. I had been up early taking care of some stuff around the house before Em got up this morning. I got a lot done! Yeah me!! So, it was nice to just take a break and close me eyes for a few minutes. I thought about going on the computer, doing some more cleaning, reading but nothing sounded better than closing my eyes and taking a snooze. Sometimes you just need that down time during the day, a break from the baby to regain your strength mentally and physically. It has been nice to have that these past couple of days. I feel like I am a much better mother when I can get that.
Tomorrow is playgroup... I always get excited when we go there. I enjoy watching Em have so much fun. So, I better go so I can get some sleep. I have to get up early to shower and get all her stuff ready to be there by 10. Ta-Ta for now...