Rhyme Time
Why is it that when you are a mother that suddenly you feel the need to rhyme when you talk to your child? I am hoping that this is just a baby stage, I can't see myself in 10 years talking to Em in rhymes... (Emily, can you take the garbage out? Please do not make me shout or else I will pout, no doubt!)... Seriously though, I am starting to annoy myself. Today I was on the floor with her playing with her feet and stupidness kept pouring out of my mouth... " Oh Emily, look at your feet, they are so neat... a sweet little treat!" What is going on? My brain is turning to mush! Okay, and another thing I can't stand that I say is when I change a diaper..." OH, Look at that booty, it is such a cutie...my little cutie patootie"...UGH!! THEN to top off my insanity, there is a candy commercial that says there isn't a word that rhymes with Orange... Do you know what that does to a person who spends their day rhyming words together??? It drives you to the point of madness until you can take it and you have to look it up on the computer...
It is true by the way, there are no words that rhymes with orange. Silver is another word. Interesting, eh?
On another note can I just say that whomever is responsible for making the Baby Einstein videos should be sainted. Good Lord they are wonderful... I can hear the angels rejoicing as I go off to shower... all is quiet in the household for at least 20 minutes! Praise be to God and Thank You Baby Einstein Makers for I can clean myself every day even while the evil teething is going on thanks to those videos!
So anyway, Em is pretty much the same today, toothless and still in pain. I think she has a cold as well. She has a runny nose plus Keith and I have been feeling icky for a couple of days too. You know, baby snot is really gross... and what is even more gross is that I wipe it all over me and don't give a crap. No tissue or wipes handy?, my shirt will do just fine. Why should it matter if I have spit-up on me of boogers? Same difference in my book. I know everyone always say their nose is runny like a faucet but I don't that is really accurate. It is more like a big slimmy green bubble that is always running a track down towards her mouth. It is so gross. It is even more gross when you have to get that plunger thing and dig in their nose. I wanna heave just thinking about it... Then she sneezes and she got globs of it all over her face... or worse yet, blew a big pile of it all over the floor and then the dang dogs lick it up! Emmm, Yummy...I mean what the hell are the dogs thinking? I know they are just dogs but if I were one I don't think if I saw a big green pile of snot come shooting out of somebodies nose I'd be thinking " Hell yeah, I'm all over that, that some good eat'in"...
Well, at any rate... it is late. It is time to stop this rhyme. Sleep must come so I am done. Ta-Ta
It is true by the way, there are no words that rhymes with orange. Silver is another word. Interesting, eh?
On another note can I just say that whomever is responsible for making the Baby Einstein videos should be sainted. Good Lord they are wonderful... I can hear the angels rejoicing as I go off to shower... all is quiet in the household for at least 20 minutes! Praise be to God and Thank You Baby Einstein Makers for I can clean myself every day even while the evil teething is going on thanks to those videos!
So anyway, Em is pretty much the same today, toothless and still in pain. I think she has a cold as well. She has a runny nose plus Keith and I have been feeling icky for a couple of days too. You know, baby snot is really gross... and what is even more gross is that I wipe it all over me and don't give a crap. No tissue or wipes handy?, my shirt will do just fine. Why should it matter if I have spit-up on me of boogers? Same difference in my book. I know everyone always say their nose is runny like a faucet but I don't that is really accurate. It is more like a big slimmy green bubble that is always running a track down towards her mouth. It is so gross. It is even more gross when you have to get that plunger thing and dig in their nose. I wanna heave just thinking about it... Then she sneezes and she got globs of it all over her face... or worse yet, blew a big pile of it all over the floor and then the dang dogs lick it up! Emmm, Yummy...I mean what the hell are the dogs thinking? I know they are just dogs but if I were one I don't think if I saw a big green pile of snot come shooting out of somebodies nose I'd be thinking " Hell yeah, I'm all over that, that some good eat'in"...
Well, at any rate... it is late. It is time to stop this rhyme. Sleep must come so I am done. Ta-Ta