We'll be right back after these commerical messages...
Yeah yeah, I know it has been a long time. Time is just something I haven't had a lot of the past couple of months. First we were in the process of moving, then we were in NY for a month, then we had to get settled, and the holidays... and oh yeah, THE BABY... Anyway, so here I finally am.
I guess Emily has changed a lot since I last wrote. She looks more like a person now and not so much like just a baby. I worry all the time about everything still, just different stuff than what it was before. I still worry about her eating, her intake of formula, and of course poop... Moms always worry about the poop... Now I worry about her reaching her milestones. As soon as she reaches one I start worrying about the next, it is like I am addicted to worrying... I can't stop!!She can sit up but not crawl...CRAWL CHILD, for Godsake! I know I was worried about the whole sitting up thing but in one day she got the hang of it... Now she can do it pretty well... Before that I was worried about the rolling over thing. She wouldn't do it then she would only go one way...GEZ, will I ever stop? Some say yes, when I am cold in the ground...
On that note, let's go to my next topic... Can you belive I have been wanting another, let's say a craving. Ummm, gez, I was awful pregant, can somebody please remind me of that? Not to mention that newborn time frame (aka, Mommy's Bootcamp), when you are so sleep deprived you feel like you want to vomit all the time. What am I thinking? I am just now after 9 months finally getting a little more independence. Like I can put her in her crib and I can shower. She actually plays and doesn't scream the whole time. Or the fact that I don't have to carry a car seat around with me everywhere now, just the child. I can drink COFFEE in the morning actually while it's warm... these are all things that are very difficult in the begining, espically when you are a new mom. Not only are you learning everything, a worry wart, but you are stripped of things that make you you... Of course it is way worth it but while you are going through it seems never ending. I actually went out with Emily yesterday without a spit-up shirt on...okay, I had to change twice in the morning to get to that point, but I made it out without spit-up on my clothes.
Yesterday was just one of those day... UGH, First I showered, got Em out of the crib and not 2 seconds after picking her up she spit up all over my shoulder and down my arm. Let's just say the F word was flowing out of my mouth. Then I changed and she needed to be fed... While feeding her she spit food all over me. Let's remember people, I hadn't even been out of the shower yet for more than a half hour. I just left the shirt on at that point until I left. Lesson learned, don't put on something to wear out until just before you leave.
I go on this baby message board alot and it seems to me that a lot of these mother's have a saying, "This too will pass"... Yeah, that is a bit much for me. Mine is "Whatever" and the F-word. I start out with the Whatever... The cat is on the counter again after telling him to get down 500 times today ...Whatever. The dog spit up on the floor, Whatever... I have 5 loads of laundry to do, whatever... I have a crap load of errands to run, whatever... I haven't left the house in a week, whatever... Now, if my natural flow of things start getting interrupted by these things on top of other small things, that is when the F word starts coming out. For instance, if I keep dropping things, the dogs bark and wake up the baby, I let the dogs out and they won't come when I call them, I am starving and I can't get to eating... all these little things add up and I start to go nutty. Just saying the F word a couple of times makes me feel a little better though... LOL! Yesterday was just one of those days. Any little thing that could go wrong did. I don't think it helps that I am here in the house all of the time. I know for Em's sake it is the best but I think she is getting sick of it too. She was such a good girl when we went out yesterday, I think she just enjoyed seeing something different. I know because of RSV we need to keep her in more than going out but I feel like I am rotting her brain. Then I start feeling guilty though when I actually do bring her out. All these people feel the need to "talk" to her and get in her face... I know she is the most adorable thing you ever saw people but back UP!! I know I don't go up to people I don't know and get up in their face and starting talking babble to them. If I did I would probably have to go to a mental institiution, why is it okay to do that to somebody's baby? Some would say (my sister mainly) that I am a little mental when it comes to that stuff... maybe I am. I am begining to realize that I am very mental, maybe I will go as far as saying anal, about stuff in the house. I compose a "list" in my head in the morning of what I want done and by what times... I think I am the one that is driving myself crazy... I just think I have to be organized or things won't get done. I know I am a bit crazy about people I don't know getting up in Emmy's face, but I think people need to get a clue about that, I won't give in on that!!
Anyway, Em is sleeping so I guess I better get something accomplished while she is. Ta-Ta...
I guess Emily has changed a lot since I last wrote. She looks more like a person now and not so much like just a baby. I worry all the time about everything still, just different stuff than what it was before. I still worry about her eating, her intake of formula, and of course poop... Moms always worry about the poop... Now I worry about her reaching her milestones. As soon as she reaches one I start worrying about the next, it is like I am addicted to worrying... I can't stop!!She can sit up but not crawl...CRAWL CHILD, for Godsake! I know I was worried about the whole sitting up thing but in one day she got the hang of it... Now she can do it pretty well... Before that I was worried about the rolling over thing. She wouldn't do it then she would only go one way...GEZ, will I ever stop? Some say yes, when I am cold in the ground...
On that note, let's go to my next topic... Can you belive I have been wanting another, let's say a craving. Ummm, gez, I was awful pregant, can somebody please remind me of that? Not to mention that newborn time frame (aka, Mommy's Bootcamp), when you are so sleep deprived you feel like you want to vomit all the time. What am I thinking? I am just now after 9 months finally getting a little more independence. Like I can put her in her crib and I can shower. She actually plays and doesn't scream the whole time. Or the fact that I don't have to carry a car seat around with me everywhere now, just the child. I can drink COFFEE in the morning actually while it's warm... these are all things that are very difficult in the begining, espically when you are a new mom. Not only are you learning everything, a worry wart, but you are stripped of things that make you you... Of course it is way worth it but while you are going through it seems never ending. I actually went out with Emily yesterday without a spit-up shirt on...okay, I had to change twice in the morning to get to that point, but I made it out without spit-up on my clothes.
Yesterday was just one of those day... UGH, First I showered, got Em out of the crib and not 2 seconds after picking her up she spit up all over my shoulder and down my arm. Let's just say the F word was flowing out of my mouth. Then I changed and she needed to be fed... While feeding her she spit food all over me. Let's remember people, I hadn't even been out of the shower yet for more than a half hour. I just left the shirt on at that point until I left. Lesson learned, don't put on something to wear out until just before you leave.
I go on this baby message board alot and it seems to me that a lot of these mother's have a saying, "This too will pass"... Yeah, that is a bit much for me. Mine is "Whatever" and the F-word. I start out with the Whatever... The cat is on the counter again after telling him to get down 500 times today ...Whatever. The dog spit up on the floor, Whatever... I have 5 loads of laundry to do, whatever... I have a crap load of errands to run, whatever... I haven't left the house in a week, whatever... Now, if my natural flow of things start getting interrupted by these things on top of other small things, that is when the F word starts coming out. For instance, if I keep dropping things, the dogs bark and wake up the baby, I let the dogs out and they won't come when I call them, I am starving and I can't get to eating... all these little things add up and I start to go nutty. Just saying the F word a couple of times makes me feel a little better though... LOL! Yesterday was just one of those days. Any little thing that could go wrong did. I don't think it helps that I am here in the house all of the time. I know for Em's sake it is the best but I think she is getting sick of it too. She was such a good girl when we went out yesterday, I think she just enjoyed seeing something different. I know because of RSV we need to keep her in more than going out but I feel like I am rotting her brain. Then I start feeling guilty though when I actually do bring her out. All these people feel the need to "talk" to her and get in her face... I know she is the most adorable thing you ever saw people but back UP!! I know I don't go up to people I don't know and get up in their face and starting talking babble to them. If I did I would probably have to go to a mental institiution, why is it okay to do that to somebody's baby? Some would say (my sister mainly) that I am a little mental when it comes to that stuff... maybe I am. I am begining to realize that I am very mental, maybe I will go as far as saying anal, about stuff in the house. I compose a "list" in my head in the morning of what I want done and by what times... I think I am the one that is driving myself crazy... I just think I have to be organized or things won't get done. I know I am a bit crazy about people I don't know getting up in Emmy's face, but I think people need to get a clue about that, I won't give in on that!!
Anyway, Em is sleeping so I guess I better get something accomplished while she is. Ta-Ta...