Prematurity Awareness Day is November 16th
I am not asking any of you to donate money but if you would like to I am attaching the link. I fully believe that Emily would not be here today without this research. Even if you do not wish to donate money please read all the personal stories and the information on the NICU's. For any of you that would like to know what Emily, Keith, and I went through it will help you to understand our miracle. My emotions are still so raw when thinking of those NICU days but here is a list of Emmy's medical problems so you can compare them to other stories on the site.
Born 31 Weeks Gestation
Apnea and Bradys , Acid Reflux, Umbilical Hernia, Heart Murmur, Grade 2 Brain Bleed, . She was on a Nasa CPAP, a Ventilator, a Nasal Cannula. She had a feeding tube for aprox. 5 weeks. She had phototherapy as well for a few days. Never mind all the testing and procedures she had done. Every day was hurdle for Emily.
Thank you all for all your support and love. Every day I look at her I remember what a miracle she is, what a blessing. We are so lucky to have her, I promise you all that I will never forget that.
Please remember Emily during the month of November which is Preemie month for the March of Dimes... Please say a prayer for all the other preemies and their families as well as we know the battles they will have to overcome...
I am not asking any of you to donate money but if you would like to I am attaching the link. I fully believe that Emily would not be here today without this research. Even if you do not wish to donate money please read all the personal stories and the information on the NICU's. For any of you that would like to know what Emily, Keith, and I went through it will help you to understand our miracle. My emotions are still so raw when thinking of those NICU days but here is a list of Emmy's medical problems so you can compare them to other stories on the site.
Born 31 Weeks Gestation
Apnea and Bradys , Acid Reflux, Umbilical Hernia, Heart Murmur, Grade 2 Brain Bleed, . She was on a Nasa CPAP, a Ventilator, a Nasal Cannula. She had a feeding tube for aprox. 5 weeks. She had phototherapy as well for a few days. Never mind all the testing and procedures she had done. Every day was hurdle for Emily.
Thank you all for all your support and love. Every day I look at her I remember what a miracle she is, what a blessing. We are so lucky to have her, I promise you all that I will never forget that.
Please remember Emily during the month of November which is Preemie month for the March of Dimes... Please say a prayer for all the other preemies and their families as well as we know the battles they will have to overcome...