Copy Cat
Emmy is finally learning that she can do things.... If I stick out my tounge she does it too. What she really loves though is when I make clicking noises, she laughs her butt off! She tries to do it too... she is so funny.
She is really starting to like her swing alot. She just sits in it and looks around and swings away. She watches TV in it too... I am going to have to get her Started on Days of Our Lives! I have to pass on the important things to her!
She went through a crying spell tonight, not really sure what that was about. She woke up and was grumpy... could be gas I guess. When I am not sure what is wrong I just assume it is gas. I mean if she is not hunry, doesn't need a diaper change, then what else can it be? It isn't like she is teething or anything yet.
I feel kind of bad because I am not sure what to do with her all day. She has alone time in her crib, I read to her, she has swing time, tummy time... I can't really interact too much with her because she gets sick of me... really she does! If I put her down on the floor to play or in her swing I feel like I'm being a bad mother. But she likes it and gets fussy if I hold her for too long. So, I guess that is what she wants. She might look like me and Keith but she acts like my sister always wanting to be alone. Sometimes I take it personal but I guess I just have to get used to the idea of her being that way. Maybe things will change as she gets older, we'll see.
We took a nap together today. Her and I along with the dogs on the couch... I wonder what she dreams about? Going for a ride on her doggies back, Mommy saying BaBa and Mama over and over... Keith saying "I love you girl"... I mean what else does she know to dream about?
Still haven't had professional pics taken of her yet. I haven't started a scrap book either. I stink at that stuff. I know people want the pictures but I don't understand the point when she is changing so much, well maybe that is the point. Who knows... I know it will happen in Georgia because my mother will make me. I have to pack certain clothes for her. You should have seen it while they were out here it was like a Vogue session going on... Of course every moment is a Kodak moment in my family anyway but this was different. I had to find a back drop, different poises, lighting stuff... the whole 9... Must be a Grandma thing!Good thing I have a digital camera, if I didn't she would probably make me get proffesional pics once a week!
Oh, talked to her other Grandmother today, Keith's mom and she had me cracking up. I guess Emily's Aunt Keri was showing her pics of her bath... well she didn't know about Em's belly button and she freaked out saying "what is that thing" yelling and stuff. I thought she knew but I guess not! It is kind of freaky looking but it seems to actually be going down and is softer... Emmy drives me nuts because she is grabbing it now like it is a "pee-pee" or something...Anyway, I know her grandmother gave it a name... can't think of what it is right now but I thought I was going to pee in my pants when she was telling me about it. It was almost as funny as when Emmy spit all over Keith's face the other day and he ran in the bathroom with his arms frailling everywhere while he was screaming!
Ahhh... I guess I better go. The little turd needs to eat. Later...
She is really starting to like her swing alot. She just sits in it and looks around and swings away. She watches TV in it too... I am going to have to get her Started on Days of Our Lives! I have to pass on the important things to her!
She went through a crying spell tonight, not really sure what that was about. She woke up and was grumpy... could be gas I guess. When I am not sure what is wrong I just assume it is gas. I mean if she is not hunry, doesn't need a diaper change, then what else can it be? It isn't like she is teething or anything yet.
I feel kind of bad because I am not sure what to do with her all day. She has alone time in her crib, I read to her, she has swing time, tummy time... I can't really interact too much with her because she gets sick of me... really she does! If I put her down on the floor to play or in her swing I feel like I'm being a bad mother. But she likes it and gets fussy if I hold her for too long. So, I guess that is what she wants. She might look like me and Keith but she acts like my sister always wanting to be alone. Sometimes I take it personal but I guess I just have to get used to the idea of her being that way. Maybe things will change as she gets older, we'll see.
We took a nap together today. Her and I along with the dogs on the couch... I wonder what she dreams about? Going for a ride on her doggies back, Mommy saying BaBa and Mama over and over... Keith saying "I love you girl"... I mean what else does she know to dream about?
Still haven't had professional pics taken of her yet. I haven't started a scrap book either. I stink at that stuff. I know people want the pictures but I don't understand the point when she is changing so much, well maybe that is the point. Who knows... I know it will happen in Georgia because my mother will make me. I have to pack certain clothes for her. You should have seen it while they were out here it was like a Vogue session going on... Of course every moment is a Kodak moment in my family anyway but this was different. I had to find a back drop, different poises, lighting stuff... the whole 9... Must be a Grandma thing!Good thing I have a digital camera, if I didn't she would probably make me get proffesional pics once a week!
Oh, talked to her other Grandmother today, Keith's mom and she had me cracking up. I guess Emily's Aunt Keri was showing her pics of her bath... well she didn't know about Em's belly button and she freaked out saying "what is that thing" yelling and stuff. I thought she knew but I guess not! It is kind of freaky looking but it seems to actually be going down and is softer... Emmy drives me nuts because she is grabbing it now like it is a "pee-pee" or something...Anyway, I know her grandmother gave it a name... can't think of what it is right now but I thought I was going to pee in my pants when she was telling me about it. It was almost as funny as when Emmy spit all over Keith's face the other day and he ran in the bathroom with his arms frailling everywhere while he was screaming!
Ahhh... I guess I better go. The little turd needs to eat. Later...