Saturday, January 22, 2005

Oh where oh where

Has my friggin hair gone??? I'll tell, all over the friggin floor. Are my hormones not balanced yet from giving birth 9 months ago? I swear I could make a winter coat for someone. I can't wash it without a pile falling out... it doesn't help either when you have somebody pulling on it all the time too... Speaking of hair, I haven't gotten a haircut since June. I used to be one of those normal people that went every couple of months. I used to get my hair colored too, ya know, try to get the gray out and look nice...Oh yeah, I used to comb it as well. My how things change. I remember when I spent like 15 minutes trying to tame the wild beast, now I let it dry while I take care of the monster then when I can't handle it being in my face any longer out comes the ponytail holder. My new version of getting a haircut is cutting my bangs real quick while the baby is napping. Maybe it's not the hormone, maybe it is because hair is in dire straights of needing a cut not to mention I tie it in a knot everyday. Great, on top of being over weight now I get to add bald to the list...
Speaking of the weight, God, I just wish there was a magic pill... Poof, it's all gone... I actually was running this past summer before my brother in laws wedding. I didn't want to be the fat sisiter in law...then my knee exploded and that ended my running. Can't run on a knee when you don't have any padding left in between the bones, not a good thing people. Now I am waiting for the paper work to go through so I can get surgery...whoopie!! So, it turned out I was still that fat sister in law at the wedding in the big fat blue beached whale dress... oh well. I know it would help if I stopped eating the snacks... BUT I have stopped drinking the evil soda. Well, I drink diet, but give me some credit okay? It is hard to give up all the good stuff, it is yummy and the other healthy stuff is yucky... Not my fault right? I wish some big company would take me on as a charity case and make me all my meals, take care of the baby while their personal trainer whoops me back into shape, and then takes me out to get me hair done. Then I would feel normal again.
Anyway, Emily is teething... Lord help me make it through this. Dear God in heaven it is a miracle if I can put the child down to go pee. She is so clingy... UGH! She screams all day long!! My way to deal with is just to not put her down, my ears and head can't take it. So she has been attached at my hip for days. Before I had Em when I heard a mother say their kid was teething, I was like Whoopie... now if I heard that I would probably go over and hug the woman and tell her it's okay to cry on my shoulder for a minute if need be. Then I would hold the kid so she could go pee...
So anyway, all this pain, crying, and drool, and no teeth yet. Joy, that means we both have to endure a whole mouth full of this yet. Thank God I live in a time of medication! That child is getting some every 4 hours on the dot... TRUST ME!! If this whole teething thing has taught me anything it is patience. Oh yeah, I can do most everything with one hand as well and an extra 20 pounds sitting on my hip.
Em has also been having bad dreams, she wakes up screaming her brains out. Now I know some of you experienced mothers out there are saying it is her gums bothering her...No no, it's not! I know the difference in cries...this is sheer terror... I nearly knocked Keith on his ass last night when she woke up screaming again. As he was getting up to get her some strange siren went off in my body... "Alert Alert, you child is scared, must go now"... so as the beeping is going off in my head I am yelling "no, no" to Keith.. he just stands there staring at me, I threw my arm out at him like "don't you FN move towards MY baby"... then I ran down the hallway to her bedroom. What a FREAK I am... It is like I had no control over myself! Well anyway, she was fine, a little cuddle, a bunch of kisses and she was asleep again.
Speaking of Freak, Em fell out of her walker the other day. Okay, not fell more like leaned over and bumped her head... I wanted to go the emergency room, in fact I demanded it like 500 times to Keith who kept telling me she was fine. The girl had a tiny red mark on her head, no bump, and she only cried for a split second... Me on the other hand I called my parents crying like a crazy person. My mother is my back up... when in doubt call her! They know I am crazy so when I call like this over something with the baby they usually know how to handle me... Again she is fine... no bumps, scrapes, nothing... The walker though is under the crib for my sanity alone...
I bet I could make a huge list of all the things that make me a freak when it comes to being a mother... Let's try:
1. I check on her while sleeping about 50 times before I go to bed
2. I feel like I am going to vomit everytime she eats her finger food for fear of her choking
3. She must take a bath every night because she sits in pee all day
4. I don't want her touching the table at resturants because of germs
5. She is almost a year old and I have only left her with her grandparents for a couple of hours
6. I worry about poop
7. I count how much she eats (jar and formula)
8. I change her outfits if she gets them dirty even if we are just staying home
9. I do not like other kids outside of family and good friends in her face (germs again)
10. I hate it when strangers try to make her smile when we are out

Okay, I think that is a pretty good start...
Well, it is late and I get up early so I will let you all for now... Ta-ta and pray for teeth tonight!