One Big Duh!
Being the freak that I am I took Emily to the doctors yesterday. I can almost see you all rolling your eyes so stop it! I couldn't help it, the poor thing has been so miserable so I didn't want to rule out an ear infection... I mean maybe that is why she is acting like the devil's spawn... so I talked to the Doctor on the phone and she did want to look in her ears. So, I get there and they say they have to take her weight and all the crap... gez, all I wanted them to do was look in her ears not give her a full exam. I was kind of ticked because I had a list of things I needed to do while I was out and the baby's belly was full... meaning I had just enough time to get it all done before hunger set in again. Well, that went to crap real fast. Another "whatever" moment. Anyway, turns out of course that she doesn't have an infection. She is pulling on her ears and is miserable because she is teething...well, duh, I knew that but I wanted to just make sure, ya know? She also stated that Emily has bad seperations anxiety... another big Duh.... Glad I wasted my time going there and wasting her full belly. Doctors have a special talent of making first time mothers feel like a big dum a$$! Thanks for letting me know she is teething and has seperations anxiety... you were a huge help!
UGH!! I had to get some things at the grocery store tonight... didn't want to take the baby because it was raining and cold. So, Daddy had to take care of Emily for a whole half hour while I went to buy some baby food, got dinner for us, and took back some movies. All three of those things done people in a half hour because I know what I am leaving... I know the time bomb is ticking and I better get back before meltdown happens. I walk back in and Keith is standing up in the middle of the living room holding the baby who is whinning and half crying... I can almost see the gray hairs forming on his head... He tells me she has been crying the whole time I was gone and she was miserable... Really? She was crying? She was miserable? Huh... well that is pretty dang good compared to all day when she was screaming, flailing and kicking about, and me having to pee with her on my lap... figures, she good for him while I am gone.
We went to playgroup on Tuesday. Emily LOVES it there and if they had it every day I probably would go. She is her sweet self there... laughing and smiling. She is the loudest baby there and doesn't mind taking toys away from others. It is fun seeing her interact with other kids her age. I on the otherhand am the anti-social mother. All the other mothers are chit chatting away and I just sit and awe and watch Emmy. I love watching everything she does. I did manage for the first time to actually talk with two other mothers. I patted myself on the back... I might have actually made some friends. Imagine that.
I have learned a couple of new things lately. First, DISTRACTION... A really great way to get a crying unhappy baby to stop screaming. Make faces, strange noises, sing... whatever. Doesn't have to be at home, you can do it where ever... I no longer give a crap if people here me sing "Wheels on the Bus" or make farting noises, as long as Emily likes it who cares.
Secondly, a way to run more errands or just stay out longer is to feed the baby in the car. So what if I am sitting in a parking lot in the back seat feeding my kid? It isn't like I am living in it!
Oh, I have one more thing... I really don't care if Em makes a mess in the resturant. I used to get upset with people if I saw them leave a huge mess on the floor of some resturant. I used to think it was rude or whatever. Now I totally get it. They get paid, let them.
Well, time to go night night... Until later
UGH!! I had to get some things at the grocery store tonight... didn't want to take the baby because it was raining and cold. So, Daddy had to take care of Emily for a whole half hour while I went to buy some baby food, got dinner for us, and took back some movies. All three of those things done people in a half hour because I know what I am leaving... I know the time bomb is ticking and I better get back before meltdown happens. I walk back in and Keith is standing up in the middle of the living room holding the baby who is whinning and half crying... I can almost see the gray hairs forming on his head... He tells me she has been crying the whole time I was gone and she was miserable... Really? She was crying? She was miserable? Huh... well that is pretty dang good compared to all day when she was screaming, flailing and kicking about, and me having to pee with her on my lap... figures, she good for him while I am gone.
We went to playgroup on Tuesday. Emily LOVES it there and if they had it every day I probably would go. She is her sweet self there... laughing and smiling. She is the loudest baby there and doesn't mind taking toys away from others. It is fun seeing her interact with other kids her age. I on the otherhand am the anti-social mother. All the other mothers are chit chatting away and I just sit and awe and watch Emmy. I love watching everything she does. I did manage for the first time to actually talk with two other mothers. I patted myself on the back... I might have actually made some friends. Imagine that.
I have learned a couple of new things lately. First, DISTRACTION... A really great way to get a crying unhappy baby to stop screaming. Make faces, strange noises, sing... whatever. Doesn't have to be at home, you can do it where ever... I no longer give a crap if people here me sing "Wheels on the Bus" or make farting noises, as long as Emily likes it who cares.
Secondly, a way to run more errands or just stay out longer is to feed the baby in the car. So what if I am sitting in a parking lot in the back seat feeding my kid? It isn't like I am living in it!
Oh, I have one more thing... I really don't care if Em makes a mess in the resturant. I used to get upset with people if I saw them leave a huge mess on the floor of some resturant. I used to think it was rude or whatever. Now I totally get it. They get paid, let them.
Well, time to go night night... Until later