Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Vent of Sorts

There is all this Big Ta-do going on through the Mommy Blogger world the past few days. I read about it through Curly a few nights ago. Like her, I was troubled by the fact that somebody actually took the time to say they didn't like Mommy Blogs... Then I read the woman's Blog and decided it didn't bother any more. Nothing against her... Just not the kind of Blog I would enjoy reading, I can just tell that it is somebody whom I would not befriend outside of the internet.
Anywhoooo... Now that I have had some time to think about it I really do not understand what this woman's point was. She is making a big deal that the Mommy Bloggers have no other identity other than being a mother therefore we have nothing interesting to share via Blogging except Baby Poo. I guess in one way she is right on that account, I mean come on ladies, you know how much we talk about and worry about poop...Whether there is lack of it or too much of it we worry. But then again what kind of mothers would we be if we didn't worry?
I started thinking about this Non-Mommy Blogger today and tried to understand where she is coming from... Is this my whole life? Do I not converse about anything else? Is my brain too small to comprehend an intelligent conversation outside of spit-up? Or.... Maybe she is just one of those women who either wishes she had a penis or considers her Clit a smaller version of a penis... Now now... I am woman, I believe in the feminist movement. I want good things for my daughter, equal rights and all that other hear me roar I am a woman crap. I want my daughter to be whatever she wants... I believe she can be a mother, A CEO, whatever... What I don't understand is why women who do not wish to mother or accept the fact that they are a mother have a problem with us that enjoy it. Vise Versa as well ladies. Why can't we just say I am happy that you are happy? I could care less if you wish to write about some important meeting of the minds ... If I don't want to read it about it then I don't have to. If you do not wish to read about my rants about my daughter than skip it... Who gives a crap?
I have many identities in my life... I always have. Being a mother is not my only one but it is the one I enjoy the most. Blogging helps me rant/vent about happy or trying times. Other mothers can appreciate that so we all enjoy our little circles of Blogging. Anyway, I read this woman's Blog... It looks to me like she is young, trying to make her way in the world... All that. Good for her. She is also a mother... Good for her. I hope she can accomplish both. For me I don't want to. But whatever... I don't get that drive to want to work your way up. But I get the drive to want to be a good mother... I have those motherly instincts and have had them for a long time. This is what I always wanted...I enjoy staying home and raising my daughter, is that my whole indentity? No, but it sure does take a lot of it for now. That is what parents do, they sacrifice a lot for their children, even themselves. I enjoy who I am, what I do... I feel sorry for women who do not understand that. What it comes down to is the basics...Life and Death... Women have children to keep life going. I think that is a more important identity then any title I could get at some Big company. But hey, that is just me... So, whether you are getting up tomorrow to go change a poopy diaper or chasing after your next big raise or even both... Have a great tomorrow ladies!!!
PS... I wonder if all those women in the 60's who burned their bras now how droopy Boobies... LOL