When is enough enough?
What the hell is going on with my daughter? This is what she has had to eat in the HOUR that she has been awake...
1. A whole banana
2. A whole Egg
3. One piece of bacon (she snagged one of mine, little turd LOL)
4. A piece of cheese
5. A Poptart... Hey it's breakfast food people, shut up!!
She is 23 pounds soaking wet... Do you think she knows when she is full or does she just like begging for food?
I guess I should be happy that she eats. I hear the horror stories from other parents about how their kid might eat a hot dog in a day and that is it.... Em eats a ton of fruits, veggies, and meats. Yeah, she has her share of her cookies and Dora snacks but for the most part she eats healthy. It is just the magnitude of which she eats that amazes me. Her Belly is supposed to the size of HER fist, so where the hell does it all go?
So, as many of you know I live on base housing... otherwise known as my shoebox. This morning the housing office left us some "helpful" tips on our door. It stated to avoid problems with our toilets that we should refrain from flushing small toys or objects. Really? How the hell else am to throw away Em's old toys? Then it stated that we should also use soap and water to clean our garbage disposal.... Hmmmm, so you mean when I grind up the dog shit in our sink that doesn't work?
On another note... the Marine Corps has decided that it would be better to start deploying their Marines for 18 months.... I will just leave it at that... because what can I possibly say that you people don't already know I am thinking.
Yesterday on TV I saw the two people that I like least in the world.... John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. I swear to God if I have to see another fucking presidential campaign with that long faced, all talk, throwing his medals on the lawn, a Huge disgrace to anyone who is or has served in the military, "I have a plan" but refuse to say what it is, lunatic of a wife having, Hipocrite hippie liberal, son of a bitch liar! I will vomit every day... I CAN NOT TAKE IT AMERICA!! And then there is the Queen Bitch... Hell no America... She is a two faced Bitch who will lie through her teeth to make you happy.....then turn around and tell somebody else something totally different to make them happy... HELLO YOUR HUSBAND CHEATED ON YOU AND YOU STAYED WITH HIM!! YOU LET EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA THINK THAT IT IS OKAY TO STAY WITH A MAN WHO HUMILIATES YOU FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR OWN CAREER! LOOSER! Way to teach your daughter what is most important in life....
So... glad I got that out....
Can I tell you how much I hate Dora? Em loves her. I have to agree with my friend Fran on this one... Why on earth are they teaching our kids Spanish? Em has yet to learn English... Why the hell are they trying to confuse her? Sure, I could not let her watch it but then how on earth would I Blog?
So... Guess I will go... Just had to get some of that out... Ta ta for now...
1. A whole banana
2. A whole Egg
3. One piece of bacon (she snagged one of mine, little turd LOL)
4. A piece of cheese
5. A Poptart... Hey it's breakfast food people, shut up!!
She is 23 pounds soaking wet... Do you think she knows when she is full or does she just like begging for food?
I guess I should be happy that she eats. I hear the horror stories from other parents about how their kid might eat a hot dog in a day and that is it.... Em eats a ton of fruits, veggies, and meats. Yeah, she has her share of her cookies and Dora snacks but for the most part she eats healthy. It is just the magnitude of which she eats that amazes me. Her Belly is supposed to the size of HER fist, so where the hell does it all go?
So, as many of you know I live on base housing... otherwise known as my shoebox. This morning the housing office left us some "helpful" tips on our door. It stated to avoid problems with our toilets that we should refrain from flushing small toys or objects. Really? How the hell else am to throw away Em's old toys? Then it stated that we should also use soap and water to clean our garbage disposal.... Hmmmm, so you mean when I grind up the dog shit in our sink that doesn't work?
On another note... the Marine Corps has decided that it would be better to start deploying their Marines for 18 months.... I will just leave it at that... because what can I possibly say that you people don't already know I am thinking.
Yesterday on TV I saw the two people that I like least in the world.... John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. I swear to God if I have to see another fucking presidential campaign with that long faced, all talk, throwing his medals on the lawn, a Huge disgrace to anyone who is or has served in the military, "I have a plan" but refuse to say what it is, lunatic of a wife having, Hipocrite hippie liberal, son of a bitch liar! I will vomit every day... I CAN NOT TAKE IT AMERICA!! And then there is the Queen Bitch... Hell no America... She is a two faced Bitch who will lie through her teeth to make you happy.....then turn around and tell somebody else something totally different to make them happy... HELLO YOUR HUSBAND CHEATED ON YOU AND YOU STAYED WITH HIM!! YOU LET EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA THINK THAT IT IS OKAY TO STAY WITH A MAN WHO HUMILIATES YOU FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR OWN CAREER! LOOSER! Way to teach your daughter what is most important in life....
So... glad I got that out....
Can I tell you how much I hate Dora? Em loves her. I have to agree with my friend Fran on this one... Why on earth are they teaching our kids Spanish? Em has yet to learn English... Why the hell are they trying to confuse her? Sure, I could not let her watch it but then how on earth would I Blog?
So... Guess I will go... Just had to get some of that out... Ta ta for now...