
I have always loved my parents but it amazes me how much more I love them now that I have a child of my own. Once you have your own child it opens a whole new outlook on everything, including your own parents. You remember everything you put them through... You think of how your turn is coming...You have a whole new appreciation for them... The main thing I think about is how I got married and left my parents... I mean left as in moving, across the country, 12 YEARS AGO. I think now about Emily doing that and it kills me. I don't know how my parents dealt with that, I don't know how any parent deals with that. But anyway, I heard this song and it reminds me of how much I love and miss them. It is funny how much this song describes when I left and each time we we say goodbye now. I even have a little sister and I actually have a "MeMa" that I am horrible about calling.... Not to mention, I am going home in the fall to see everyone... Anyway, I wanted to write this to let them know how much I love them, how much I appreciate all they did for me and continue doing for me and my family. It is so awesome seeing them with Em.... strange too sometimes. I have allot to live up to... They just came out to see us all not long ago and above is a picture of them with Em at the Beach...
So don't forget to remember me Mom and Dad. By the way, now I know what you meant by me being your little girl always...