Happy Birthday!!
Happy Second Birthday Emily!!
Mommy Wrote this for you...
Happy Birthday Little Girl
For that you'll always be
Little Girl a twirling around so happily
Tiny little pigtail atop your head
Squealing with delight
Looking at me smiling
A moment in time when all is right
Little arms wrapped around my neck
Little lips kissing so lovingly
Pitter Patter of your feet
Running eagerly to me
Is something I shall always carry inside of me
Even when your hair is gray laced
Even when I am with God's good grace
You will always be my little girl
Daddy's little Princess
Mommy's little Turkey
Our pride, our joy
Our Miracle
Our answered prayers
Our Love always
Happy Birthday Little Girl
For that you'll always be
With Love always
Daddy and Mommy

I love you my Little Turkey! I wish you happiness and healthiness each and every day... A long and amazing life filled with love and beautiful memories to always cherish...
Mommy Wrote this for you...
Happy Birthday Little Girl
For that you'll always be
Little Girl a twirling around so happily
Tiny little pigtail atop your head
Squealing with delight
Looking at me smiling
A moment in time when all is right
Little arms wrapped around my neck
Little lips kissing so lovingly
Pitter Patter of your feet
Running eagerly to me
Is something I shall always carry inside of me
Even when your hair is gray laced
Even when I am with God's good grace
You will always be my little girl
Daddy's little Princess
Mommy's little Turkey
Our pride, our joy
Our Miracle
Our answered prayers
Our Love always
Happy Birthday Little Girl
For that you'll always be
With Love always
Daddy and Mommy

I love you my Little Turkey! I wish you happiness and healthiness each and every day... A long and amazing life filled with love and beautiful memories to always cherish...