Thursday, March 02, 2006


"Where have you been" Those are the types of emails that I have been getting lately from my blogger babes... So, here I am... alive.... and as okay as I normally am. Sorry about the lack of posting and visiting... I am a nutcase, what can I say? With Keith coming home soon I find that I can not concentrate on anything. That includes reading your posts. I find myself not even wanting to go to my own Blog to see if anyone posted a comment. Everyone keeps calling me, emailing me... "Have you got any word when Keith is coming home?" Ummm, hmmm... Yeah, see the problem is that this unit has it's head up it's ass and can't figure out how to get their Marines to board a plane. So, dates have been pushed back constantley. Funny how I don't feel like telling that to people over and over again.
So, I am in a funk people. I hate this roller coaster ride and I want off. I actually do have a day now as to when Keith is supposed to be home... but I will let you in on a little secret... I am not telling anyone!! That way when it doesn't happen I don't have to bother calling 500 people and letting them know AGAIN!! But, supposedly this date is a good date, as good as they can say for now. I mean, he isn't actually on the plane so things can always change.
So.... Em is good. She feel off the couch today, first time that has happened. She fell backwards and hit her little head on the hardwood floor. Maybe now she will sit her ass down on the couch and not run and do flips on it. Maybe, we will see. Yes, she is fine by the way. Her hair is finally start to come in more. Damn, I mean the girl is almost 2, it would be nice if she wasn't bald anymore!!
So, that about sums up things. Unless you want to count the cats pissing on my closet floor and destroying the hard wood floor in it... and then pissing under my bathroom cabinet and me having to throw out everything under there. Yeah.... Once again I will say this. THE FUCKING ANIMALS ARE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE! I don't have a clue people why they or one of them would do this. My only thought is they are old so one might be loosing the control factor. Still, does not make me any happier about the situation. The dogs have actually been good lately... Bree is awesome with EM.... Lucky for that or she would be living in the woods with the creature.
Oh yeah, I had to have some moles taken off and they needed stitches... a week ago. Medical can't seem to find the time to take them out.... What the hell? Do I need to take them out myself? I swear to God.... I have string hanging out of my skin, do you mind taking it out fucktards? Twice now I have tried... What does it have to be so difficult?

So, as you can see I have nothing... I won't be on much because I have been going through this funk thing and I just don't feel like blogging. Hope you all understand... stay tuned though, I will be back...