Monday, January 30, 2006

Oh so Blue

Every morning between 8am and 8:30am I have a date with a dumbass. I am sure you all know him, his name is Steve and he has a dog named Blue. How many of you while watching this oh so stimulating show find yourself answering Steve's questions in your head? You know you do, might as well admit to it. Today's episode was the one where you have to figure out what the "duck", "duck", and "goose" clues were. Now come Steve, I KNOW you can figure out this one all on your own, I KNOW you are not going to ask us viewers to help you out this. I mean, HELLO, the CLUE states exactly what the "riddle" is. Hmmm... What can A DUCK AND ANOTHER DUCK AND A GOOSE possibly be? Of course being the dumbass that he is he had to ask. What a let down.... I thought for sure he would be able to get that one at least on his own. Poor Blue has a rock for an owner.
Of course, I do enjoy watching Steve over Joe any day. I mean, Joe just annoys the shit out of me.... All those fake smiles, annoying facial expressions he makes. Maybe I just enjoy watching Steve because he makes a more believable dumbass. While I am watching him I really do believe he lives in that cartoon house and is so dumb that his Blue dog has to leave him clues to get through life and possibly has to wipe his ass for him. Joe, I just think is some actor that is annoyed that was the only job he could get. I believe Oobie is possibly a better actor than him...
Well, what a week with Em and her being sick. Here is what happened. Em woke up with a fever Tuesday morning and was barking like a seal. Brought her to the Doctor, they said she had croup.... that night she had a bad coughing episode and changed color so I brought her to the ER. She had two more doctor appointments, had to have breathing treatments, and wasn't getting enough air. So... a few days later I get a call from the doctor saying they did not diagnoise her correctly and she has pneumonia. What the hell? How many military doctors does it take to get an accurate diagnosis? Apparently a weeks worth... So, now we are back on track, she is breathing better, and hardly coughing any more. Yeah Em. Oh, did I mention that I was sick with a fever as well during the time that I was taking care of her? Yeah, people, that is my luck.
So, Guess that is all for now... Later people