Friday, January 06, 2006

To Leash or Not to Leash, THAT is the Question

Okay, Okay.... I mean "Harness" , you never know who is going to freak out and think that I actually mean to go to Petco and buy a dog leash and strap it on my kid.... So, Em truly has become the devil when going out in public... it has gotten much worse since we have been in NY and I do not know if it is because she is being a drama queen for her Grandparents or if it is more terrible two issues. Whatever, it has to stop because I really am starting to loose my mind. BEFORE all you people give me your advise I will tell you what I have done to make it easier for you all to wrap your brain around.
1. Stroller... of course with snacks... One thing at a time or a in baggy... all goes on the floor after awhile.
2. Snacks, French Fries from McD's drive thru or Chocolate Bars
3. Cart Seat and the Buggy part... she tries to climb out of both
4. Walking, she is refusing to hold my hand now

And for all you non having kids people NO I can't just leave because that is what she wants!!! I HAVE to buy groceries.... SHE NEEDS to learn how to act in public, she NEEDS to learn that Mommy has places to go and she must go and be good... BUT you can't just say that to a one year old... You can't just "control" your kid (Yeah, I was one of the non having kids people that gave the looks and "THOUGHT" I knew how to handle similar situations). So, my last resort has been to think of buying a child harness. Good God, how I remember seeing kids in those when I didn't have a kid and thought horrible things about them... and how the parents had no control over their kid. What a dumb ass I was.... I am starting to see many benefits to them if indeed Em likes it. Number one is Safety... Safety from crazy people who want to hurt children. Another is I can give her some sort of her Independence which she is so strongly trying to prove to me that she has. I am soooo tired of wanting to go out or having errands to run and dealing with a meltdown every single time... not just a temper tanrum but a complete meltdown which is worse.... I just want to find something that will work for the both of us and right now I am failing...
Speaking of dumb ass people and Em's meltdowns... I am so over giving a shit what people think about me. The other day I was in the mall with my parents and Em was of course yelling, screaming at the top of her lungs in a shrilly girly voice that will pierce your ear drums in seconds, throwing her body around, crying, turning beat red.... ya know fun stuff... AND for the love of God everyone was not just staring but they were just being plain rude. Yeah, so what, my kid is going ape shit, now turn around and mine your damn business! Like it is helping out my situation, like it is helping my blood pressure, like she NEEDS the attention! So, anyway, I decided it would be fun to talk back to our fans. "Hello everyone (while waving my hands high), thank you for staring at us, we have truly enjoyed your attention, the devil is leaving now, I appreciate you taking the time to watch us" IDIOTS! *Sorry Mom and Dad for embarrassing you even more than Em's meltdown!
By the way, I just want to say a little thank you to whomever invented Ketchup. My daughter just adores it and will eat whatever the hell I put it on. My only beef with it is it stains just about every damn thing she wears... could you help a mother out and have at least made it clear or stainless? Just as all foods should be...
And by the way, whomever invented the bib was an idiot. H-E-L-L-O... when they are just drinking milk they don't need them... then when they get older they just take them off and throw them on the floor! WHAT A WASTE OF DAMN MONEY THOSE THINGS ARE!

Emily is almost two years old now and still weighs 22 pounds... Yup, she is a skinny Minnie... and yes she never ever sits still, even while she is sleeping. BUT I am starting to worry about the whole weight thing. Why is she not gaining? She eats like a horse, she snacks all dang day... What the HELL? Most kids her age are around 30 pounds now if not more!!!

So, only a few more days until I leave NY. OH MY GOD, I am actually going to have to cook again and do laundry... Yeah, that is right my Mother has done all that stuff for me... Yeah, so I am spoiled, you are just jealous!!
So my friends, I am leaving for now. I must watch a bit of GH before the Turkey wakes up. Ta-Ta for now people...