Thursday, March 30, 2006

What's a break?

Naptime... I admit, one of my guilty pleasures. I say guilty because as soon as naptime started I enjoyed some "Julie" things like reading, blogging... I felt guilty because I actually enjoyed MY short time to myself. Anyway, lately naptime has gone to the birds. Maybe two or three times a week Em will willing go down. I admit, her NOT taking a nap is exhausting for me. I think I needed her naptime as much as she did. Well now I am at the point where I DON'T want her to nap... She seems to be more monstrous after waking up from her nap and putting us all in a mood!! I would rather deal with her being a bit tired come evening than deal with the devil after naptime. Anyway, she is moving to her big girl bed in a couple of weeks and I am sure I would have to duct tape her to the mattress in order for her to nap!! So... Goodbye my beloved breaktime... it was nice knowing you, you will be missed!!
Why is it that when you have a toddler you suddenly have an addiction to sippy cups? I find myself checking other kid's cups at playgroup, at the doctors, at stores... If I see something different I almost HAVE TO go out and hunt for it and buy it. There are so many different kinds and some work just for home, some work for being outside better, some work for shopping... So you actually have to think about all of that when you are buying them. Never mind the "should I buy a princess one? Dora?" I mean, you don't want your kid to be ridiculed for not having the right picture on their cup!! God forbid Emily is friendless because I picked the wrong sippy cup out!
Well summer is coming and you Mother of little ones all know what that means... shopping!! Time to buy a new wardrobe for the kiddos! Now, I may have t-shirts in my closest that are dated but let me tell you... I spent 400 bucks on Em for her summer attire, including shoes, hats, play clothes, and clothes to wear out places. The only thing left is a bathing suit. I have two pair of shoes to my name people and my daughter who is 2 has about 6!! Two bad things are going to happen here people... she is going to outgrow them and STAIN them. I am SOOOOOO tired of the stains people!! I have become the stain master and will scrub the shit out of her clothes by hand before throwing them in the machine. I have broke out some of Em's summer attire already because we have been having some warm days here in NC. She has already managed to fuck up some of her clothes. I'll be DAMNED if my child is going to wear stained clothes in public people so I declare war on just about everything she owns. That is one of my biggest pet peeves with Emily. I will NOT have her looking like a little trashy kido when we are out. When we are home and she is playing she can get as dirty as she likes... but when we are out I want her looking half way decent. I am not talking looking like a model people, but clean, dressed nicely, and her hair combed like a girl! Not only do I think it looks horrible on the parents but we are a Marine Corps family... How people see us has a reflection on how civilians think about us as a whole. I guess I still have that pounded in my brain from living in Japan but it has stuck and I have lived by it since, so I dress Emily accordingly. I DISGUSTS me when I see any military family looking like shit or acting like fucktards... I don't want people grouping or thinking of myself and my family the same way.... Anyway, as I was saying before I went on a tanget... I HATE stains and I am asking all you Moms what you use on your stained clothes. I have been using OxyClean and I pre-wash by hand with Bath and Bodyworks Kitchen hand soap...LOL Don't laugh, it works pretty good! So help a crazy sister out and tell me what works for you!
So things with Daddy being home are going... Ummm, better but Em is still going through an adjustment. It is not nearly as bad as it was though so we are getting there.
Pretty soon my little baby girl is turning two!! Wow! What an amazing two years it has been. I will get more into that as the time gets closer. In a couple of days we are meeting up with Kari, Ian, and Scotty!! Can't wait to see them!!!
So until next time people....