Friday, September 08, 2006

Tag You're it!

The Hillbily Princess decided I needed more shit to do in my life so she tagged me for this Meme... Thanks Girly! LOL

1. Three Things that Scare Me
Something happening to my family
Getting Sick
The Creature

2. Three People who make me laugh
My Dad

3. Three things I hate the most
Picking up Dog Shit
Waking up too early
Saying Goodbye

4. Three thing I don't understand
Democrats (LOL Laina)
Why the Turkey throws a fit
How the hell I am supposed to teach somebody to take a shit in a potty and not in their pants

5.Three things I am doing right now
Typing this shit
Listening for Em to wake up
Enjoying the quiet

6. Three things I want to do before I die
See Italy and Ireland
See my Grandchildren
Get back in shape (someday It will happen people)

7. Three things I can do
I curse really well
Say the word "No" at least 5 thousand times a day

8. Three words to describe my personality

9. Three things I can't do
Take a dump every day (ya, I KNOW you people wanted to know that!)

10. Three things I think you should listen to
Emily sing
Your inner voice always
A Marine talk about the Corps

11. Three things you should never listen to
Emily Whine
Bree snoring

12 Three things I would like to learn
How to cook more meals
How to fix the Lottery so I win

13. Three favorite foods
Chips ( a good reason why I am never in shape)

14. Three beverages I drink regularly
Sweet Tea
Diet Pepsi
Diet Dr Pepper

15 Three shows I watched as a kid
Sat. Night Live
Happy Days
Laverne and Shirley

16 Three People that I am tagging to do this

Cat, Beth, and Kari because I know she doesn't have anything better to do! LOL