Monday, January 15, 2007

It's called dental floss

Keith and I just finished enjoying our yummy pink naval oranges when I decided to sit my lazy butt on the computer. I am on the computer doing my usual zombie like surfing, half paying attention to what I am looking at and half wishing I was sleeping in bed. While still in my zombie like state my brain was semi working while trying to get my mouth to clean left over orange bits in my teeth. I found a nice big chunk and tried to get it out... You know how you try to get your nail in between your teeth or try to dig it out with your tongue?Yeah, did that and... Well that didn't work so I decided to use my tongue as some leverage and pinch it out with two fingers... While doing so with my mouth hanging open and staring blankly and wide eyed at the computer Keith walks by and says " Oh yeah, that hot" Then he says ever so sarcastically " It's called Dental Floss, use it" My response was " Well fucking get me some"...

It's true love.

Then he proceeds to sit down next to me and we both floss our teeth. That is what marriage is people. It's watching your spouse with their fingers in their mouth trying to get chewed bits of food out of their teeth...Then sitting down together practicing a healthy dental regime.

Who said marriage isn't romantic?

Today Keith and I took Emily to the park and there were a lot of kids. Em doesn't do so well around a lot of kids. Normally. Today Em played on a playground with a lot of children. They bumped into her, they touched her accidentally, she went to the top of the slide without asking us to join her. She looked down at us and smiled and waved.... Several times... She didn't freak out. It was a good day. She has been speaking in three and four word sentences. Finally. I finally feel like I have done right by her. I was proud of her today. For something as so simple as knowing she could do things on her own, for having the courage to do these things that she would not have done just a couple of weeks ago. She is making progress, huge steps for her. She is talking around people, groups of people. She is using her voice and not whispering... Major changes people.

That's about all for now. I am in a better mood... Thanks for the comments...