Kind of Boring
The perfect ending to a day is when your daughter pisses all over your floor. But you see, the new Mommy Julie thought to herself " Self, at least she didn't shit on the floor or piss in the bed", So... you see people, that is proof that I am doing better! Yeah Me. I will tell you though my dear daughter is once again teething and the suckers have yet to break through the gums. All you Mommys know that this means... A fun filled day of a whinny, clinging, crying child... Ahhhh, Fun stuff people. But New Mommy was calm... tired but calm. That crap takes a lot out of you people...
Yesterday we went to the Zoo. Well, it is called a Zoo but it is more like a place where people left their exotic pets that they could no longer take care of. But anyway, we went and had a good time. The caretaker let some of the kids actually pet some of the animals. Em loved that part the best... she didn't care what it was or what it looked like she wanted to see it and feel it. She is very brave... she actually was very gentle with all the animals, even the goat that kept putting her hand in his mouth! LOL She had snack crumbs all over her and the goat was licking them off of her... It was love at first bite.
Here are some pics of her with the Snake
Hmmmmm, Mommy I don't know if it's such a good idea to touch the snake

Decided to go for it

Decided she wanted to bring it Home! I don't think so!

Today was different... I didn't feel like dealing with teething temper tantrum baby in public so we stayed home... Can you say boring? I think Em even got bored... Tomorrow we are definitely going out. I need to buy some more books, I am out and that is scary. I need a book people, I can't unwind without one so this is high on the important list!
What a boring Blog entry... Guess I am done. Later people!
Yesterday we went to the Zoo. Well, it is called a Zoo but it is more like a place where people left their exotic pets that they could no longer take care of. But anyway, we went and had a good time. The caretaker let some of the kids actually pet some of the animals. Em loved that part the best... she didn't care what it was or what it looked like she wanted to see it and feel it. She is very brave... she actually was very gentle with all the animals, even the goat that kept putting her hand in his mouth! LOL She had snack crumbs all over her and the goat was licking them off of her... It was love at first bite.
Here are some pics of her with the Snake
Hmmmmm, Mommy I don't know if it's such a good idea to touch the snake

Decided to go for it

Decided she wanted to bring it Home! I don't think so!

Today was different... I didn't feel like dealing with teething temper tantrum baby in public so we stayed home... Can you say boring? I think Em even got bored... Tomorrow we are definitely going out. I need to buy some more books, I am out and that is scary. I need a book people, I can't unwind without one so this is high on the important list!
What a boring Blog entry... Guess I am done. Later people!