Not for the Faint of Heart!
The past few days I have been dealing with an old pain of mine... A pain in the foot.. toe pains. I have this lovely gene that was passed on to me from generation to generation.... The Bunion Gene. My toes hurt people... they hurt a lot, I can't even begin to describe the magnitude of it. I will say that when I walk the pain is so bad it makes me want to throw up. So, anyway, as I was laying in bed with old baby wash clothes stuffed between my Big toe and it's partner (I do that so the Big toe is not leaning over the other toes, if it is straight it doesn't hurt as much), when I had a flashback of a couple of months ago. Keith and I went to see my grandparents in the Nursing home while in NY.... my Grandmother was laying in bed with her feet hanging out of the covers... People, the nightmares have yet to stop. I thought of all the times my feet have ached and right then and there I had a bleak glimpse into the future. Dear God it was awful. When we left I was talking to my Dad about it and he showed me his feet.... Holy Mary Mother of God... It runs in the family! He showed me his Bunions, he swollen twisted toes due to arthritis.... OH MY GOD! Sweet Jesus I might as well get my feet amputated now because I am sure having prosthetics can't be worse then my feet of the future.
So, it got me thinking... I should show Emily what her future entails. So here my dear sweet baby is a glimpse in 30 Year intervals of what the future of your feet will be.
First we have your feet from not too long ago... Sometime last Year

Oh so sweet... Mommy loves giving them kisses...
Now here is 30 years down the road... Your Mother's feet. Notice the small bunions, the other toes starting to swell and get all twisted and bent at the knuckels.(No people, I do not have time for a Pedi! And my feet are so Ugly, do you really think a little paint is going to help them? I think not...

Okay, next is 60 Years down the road for you... Here is your Grandfather's feet...

Not so pretty ehhhh? There is just way too many things to list that are wrong, you can plainly see for yourself!
And Here it is people... Feet of a 90 Year Old Woman... Be Prepared...

Now people, do you see what I mean? Let us all take a moment to compose ourselves so that we do not throw up....
And YES I asked my father to take pictures of his feet and his mother's and then send them to me ASAP!
So anyway, you can see why I want to get my feet taken off, really it would be worse leaving them on. Poor Emily... You just know she has that gene tucked way deep down in her toes some place. I am so sorry sweetie... It really isn't my fault, it is Grandpa's and your Great Grandmother's. I just thought you should know what to expect!!
People, do not even bother asking me how my day went. DO NOT EVEN BOTHER! Okay, just a quick little view of it... I wanted to mow the lawn while Em was napping and the humidity wasn't so bad.... Lawnmower dies while mowing.... Do not have tools to fix it, Call friends who are coming tomorrow to help me.... Went to Wally World to look for new Blade.... Did not have.... Came home and Fed Em.... Went back out to Lowes and got the blade.... Got Home kind of Late.... Baby Pissed Off... Wrestle Mania to get diaper changed... took a half hour to get her PJ's on.... If new blade is on Lawnmower and still does not work then Julie is Fucked.... Keith is pissed... Have to buy New Mower.... Let's hope Not.... Want to go out Back and let the creature eat my Feet off...
Until later people....
So, it got me thinking... I should show Emily what her future entails. So here my dear sweet baby is a glimpse in 30 Year intervals of what the future of your feet will be.
First we have your feet from not too long ago... Sometime last Year

Oh so sweet... Mommy loves giving them kisses...
Now here is 30 years down the road... Your Mother's feet. Notice the small bunions, the other toes starting to swell and get all twisted and bent at the knuckels.(No people, I do not have time for a Pedi! And my feet are so Ugly, do you really think a little paint is going to help them? I think not...

Okay, next is 60 Years down the road for you... Here is your Grandfather's feet...

Not so pretty ehhhh? There is just way too many things to list that are wrong, you can plainly see for yourself!
And Here it is people... Feet of a 90 Year Old Woman... Be Prepared...

Now people, do you see what I mean? Let us all take a moment to compose ourselves so that we do not throw up....
And YES I asked my father to take pictures of his feet and his mother's and then send them to me ASAP!
So anyway, you can see why I want to get my feet taken off, really it would be worse leaving them on. Poor Emily... You just know she has that gene tucked way deep down in her toes some place. I am so sorry sweetie... It really isn't my fault, it is Grandpa's and your Great Grandmother's. I just thought you should know what to expect!!
People, do not even bother asking me how my day went. DO NOT EVEN BOTHER! Okay, just a quick little view of it... I wanted to mow the lawn while Em was napping and the humidity wasn't so bad.... Lawnmower dies while mowing.... Do not have tools to fix it, Call friends who are coming tomorrow to help me.... Went to Wally World to look for new Blade.... Did not have.... Came home and Fed Em.... Went back out to Lowes and got the blade.... Got Home kind of Late.... Baby Pissed Off... Wrestle Mania to get diaper changed... took a half hour to get her PJ's on.... If new blade is on Lawnmower and still does not work then Julie is Fucked.... Keith is pissed... Have to buy New Mower.... Let's hope Not.... Want to go out Back and let the creature eat my Feet off...
Until later people....