I am not crazy
It's good to know that I do not make shit up in my head. Once in awhile I actually do prove this to myself. I am referring to Crafty Bitch... She really is a crazy bitch. Have a told you that 90 percent of the time that after we are done with that class that Emily destroys her craft in the car on the way home? Do I care... No I do not because we had fun putting it together and she is actually being quiet in the car for 5 friggin minutes during destruction... So, anyway, yesterday we were supposed to put together a weather wheel... Does that even sound like something to you a 2 year old can do? So, I am cutting out her circles fighting with her because she wants to use the big girl scissors herself and to be more specific it would probably be more like ON herself... So I cut them out and start gluing them together. Don'tcha know Crafty Bitch tells me that I am doing it wrong, I am not to glue them together. Whoopdefucking do... I am having so much fucking fun at this point, can't believe I actually paid 20 bucks for this. She actually hands me another bunch of circles to cut out because I am a dumb ass I guess and did it wrong and I am to do it over. While I am in the process she starts yipping at the mother next to me for sitting NEXT to her child who is also two years old. In her crazy mind the mothers are to sit across the table from the child... I don't have to go into detail to tell you how fucking stupid that is. Crafty bitch actually asked her to move... it was at this point that I tensed up and awaited for the explosion to happen. People, this mother not only had to get her two year old monster ready to go to the "class" at 9am BUT she has a newborn as well. Do you fully understand the planning, organization, and the battles she had to go through to get their asses there? This mother had craters under her eyes as big as the moons and as black as the night sky.... Like me she is a military wife... People, we don't put up with stupid shit very well and we don't mind telling people so... This mother stood up... Pushed her chair out and said "Well, I guess I will just fucking stand then because I am not leaving my child alone at the table where I can reach her. She can not do this shit by herself and I have another child to take care of" My eyes lighted up in sheer happiness and I smiled in delight... I was not the only one that thought she was a bitch! Yeah for me. Crazy Bitch didn't say much back to her except that she guessed it was okay if she sat but that is not how she set the table up. Hehe... I was waiting for her to start convulsing but to my disappointment it didn't happen.
After the class I happened to see that same mother at the post office and I stopped her and asked her what she thought of Crafty Bitch.... I don't think I really need to go into detail, just know that I am a happy camper.
Have I mentioned that my computer which is a Laptop has gone to crapola? Okay, not the computer so much as the monitor which is attached to it. It has all these nice pretty lines running down it. So, Keith bought me a new one. People, he asked what I "needed" and I stated lots of memory to store all my pictures, I like the monitors that are bright... And that was about all. So, what did he order? I have the laptop that surpasses all other laptops. I am pretty damn sure I can run NASA from my house. My father actually called up and asked if we were joking... Ahhh, no, you know Keith... Computers are his thing so he usually buys the shizzy. Anyhow if you wish to google my new toy it's the Dell XPS m1710, T2600, 2GB, 100GB,... Yadda Yadda, and it is the nice pretty red one. What does any of that shit mean? I have no friggin clue but Keith said it's a "gaming machine"... I think he has an ulterior motive for buying this!
The Turkey is good. She is still a monster but she is good. And I must be insane because even with the Turkey being a monster I still want another very very badly.... Damn hormones! Her speech is coming along. She gets tested again next week... A big evaluation to see if she needs to go to Pre-school at the age of 3. Her therapy is run by the school so if she is still far enough behind she can be enrolled in the school at the age of 3 opposed to the normal age of 4. I don't know what to hope for. On one hand I want her to go to school for obvious reasons, on the other hand I want her caught up to her peers.... It's frustrating. I think though that she is going to qualify for school because even though she has shown improvement, I do not feel she is on the same level with her peers. She actually says a lot of words now but she does not pronounce them as they should sound. I know she can hear, they do not feel Autism is a factor.... BUT I feel like there is something holding her back.... it is bugging the shit out of me. So, I am hoping these tests can help clarify what the problem is. If not, then I am thinking of asking to see a specialist in child behavior and development. I know everyone thinks I am neurotic with her and I admit I am in a lot of ways... But my Mommy radar is going off on this one, I feel like there is something we are overlooking. I know she is "normal" I just think there is something that is preventing her from speaking correctly and we need to look into that. I am sure my whole family thinks I am crazy but oh well, what else is new?
Well, I have to go play Mommy.... Until later people....
After the class I happened to see that same mother at the post office and I stopped her and asked her what she thought of Crafty Bitch.... I don't think I really need to go into detail, just know that I am a happy camper.
Have I mentioned that my computer which is a Laptop has gone to crapola? Okay, not the computer so much as the monitor which is attached to it. It has all these nice pretty lines running down it. So, Keith bought me a new one. People, he asked what I "needed" and I stated lots of memory to store all my pictures, I like the monitors that are bright... And that was about all. So, what did he order? I have the laptop that surpasses all other laptops. I am pretty damn sure I can run NASA from my house. My father actually called up and asked if we were joking... Ahhh, no, you know Keith... Computers are his thing so he usually buys the shizzy. Anyhow if you wish to google my new toy it's the Dell XPS m1710, T2600, 2GB, 100GB,... Yadda Yadda, and it is the nice pretty red one. What does any of that shit mean? I have no friggin clue but Keith said it's a "gaming machine"... I think he has an ulterior motive for buying this!
The Turkey is good. She is still a monster but she is good. And I must be insane because even with the Turkey being a monster I still want another very very badly.... Damn hormones! Her speech is coming along. She gets tested again next week... A big evaluation to see if she needs to go to Pre-school at the age of 3. Her therapy is run by the school so if she is still far enough behind she can be enrolled in the school at the age of 3 opposed to the normal age of 4. I don't know what to hope for. On one hand I want her to go to school for obvious reasons, on the other hand I want her caught up to her peers.... It's frustrating. I think though that she is going to qualify for school because even though she has shown improvement, I do not feel she is on the same level with her peers. She actually says a lot of words now but she does not pronounce them as they should sound. I know she can hear, they do not feel Autism is a factor.... BUT I feel like there is something holding her back.... it is bugging the shit out of me. So, I am hoping these tests can help clarify what the problem is. If not, then I am thinking of asking to see a specialist in child behavior and development. I know everyone thinks I am neurotic with her and I admit I am in a lot of ways... But my Mommy radar is going off on this one, I feel like there is something we are overlooking. I know she is "normal" I just think there is something that is preventing her from speaking correctly and we need to look into that. I am sure my whole family thinks I am crazy but oh well, what else is new?
Well, I have to go play Mommy.... Until later people....