Monday, January 29, 2007

A clean system is something to talk about

When did Keith an I become an old married couple? We are not exactly "old" in years but the way we act reminds me of old married farts. We have our daily routines that hardly ever change and when they do we act like we don't know how to function. Keith moans and groans about any little thing that is not apart of his normal world and I loose my patience. We also are lacking in social skills lately. I don't work... The people I hang out with have kids Em's age so it there is always that to discuss. When I am around people that I don't know well I can't think of a thing to talk about. I know people do not want to hear about Em not wanting to eat lately. So, what else is there for me to talk about? Keith's work is his main topic of conversation when he is around anyone. That and video games. Nobody cares about the games but Keith doesn't care that nobody cares and continutes to talk regardless. Once in awhile Keith will try to involve me in his conversations regarding work which usually include the name of some Marine and my reply is "Oh yeah, I remember him".
Keith and I have become hermits... More so than in the past. We had a long time friend over last night that is in the area teaching a course so he stopped by. Keith talked about work and games, I talked about Em. After that I was at a loose of what to say. After Keith finished with his normal conversations he then told about how he was listening to the radio that morning and heard about a colon treatment that cleanse your intestines. He then went on about how he wanted to get it for both him and myself because of the digestive problems that I have. OH MY GOD!! Is this what are lives have come to? We no longer have anything to talk about so we are talking about colon cleaning treatments?
So after our friend left I asked Keith why the hell he thought that was a good topic to converse about and he just shrugged. Dear God in heaven... We need to get out more!!
Which leads me to this... Keith and I after two and half years (Gee, wonder why), are having a date night. I didn't know this but where I take Em for daycare for her social skills (on base), does a parent night out once a month. We are dropping Em off for 6:30 and we don't have to get her until 11!!!!!!! Holy crap!! I have no clue what we are going to do.... The possibilities are endless!! I am thinking a nice dinner, one where we can relax and enjoy our food... Not having to say an endless amount of times " Em, sit on your hiney" "Em, eat your food" "Em stop throwing things at the waitress".... I love Em with all my heart but going out to eat sucks ass with a two year old. Who knows, maybe we might talk about something other than colon treatments....
Sorry about not blogging much lately or also lacking in visiting in your blogs as well. I have had a lot on my mind lately. Keith just had another training operation to go to and has several more coming up in the next few months. With that also comes the realization that he is leaving again soon. We also have a trip to NY planned, we were told by housing that we might have to move within the next few months (They are renovating the houses here on base), and with Keith leaving that is an added stress that I do not look forward to. Em is also starting preschool in a few months and I have mixed feelings about it...I also can't help but stress out about Keith leaving again. My biggest concern with him leaving aside from his safety and all that is involved with that is how Em is going to handle it. She will be three and half and fully capable of understanding that Daddy is gone and won't be home for a long time. I want to make the transition as easy as possible for her. The only thing I can think to do is bring her to NY and out of this house where her mind will be occupied with other thoughts. Being with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins is probably the best medicine for her.
Well, I am running out of things to blog about. Hopefully I will be blogger sooner than later... Until next time...