Sunday, August 28, 2005


Dear Emily,
I stood above you in your crib tonight... I still can't get over your beauty. I have never loved somebody so much as I love you. I wanted a child for so long and never in my wildest dreams would I have painted a picture so beautiful as your image. I love watching you play, walk, and do just about anything... I love watching your facial expressions and your reaction to life. I love the spark in your eyes and that look of planning what to get into next... You amaze me in so many ways.
I stood in your room and listened to your long deep breaths... the kind of breathing where you know a person is relaxed and feels safe. How do you know it is Mommy in your room? You do not startle at my touch, you let me move you out of your comfy place between the bumpers, and yet you still do not wake. I cherish the trust you have in me. I am awe over how much you love and trust me. Nobody ever prepares you when you are pregnant about how much this child will not only change your life but your heart as well.
It scares me that you are growing up so quickly. I cherish every hug and kiss I get from you. One day you will be a teenager and not be willing to hand them out so freely! I can't believe you are walking around now and being little Miss independent. What happened to my little newborn who I had to carry everywhere? She used to love to be all cuddled up on Mommy all day and now this little one here is running down the hall to play in her room all by herself... Please don't run too fast my love, slow down and let mommy catch you so we can play tickle and have lots of kisses and tummy farts... one of our favorite games to play together.
Did I tell you today that Daddy loves you too? He might not be here with us today or for awhile but he is always in our hearts... Your daddy is a Marine...He is making sure that you and all your little friends can sleep soundly at night knowing you are all safe... I hear you say Dada all the time now, I know you are looking for him... look no further than that image in your mirror... you are such a little clone of him. Mommy knows how much you miss him... I know you are way too young to understand your are sacrificing having your daddy here for your country... Know that daddy would rather be here with you and Mommy but daddy is a Marine and it his job to take care of all Americans. He loves you so much Emily and he will be back soon one day... Be proud of him as he is of you...
So my sweet Emily it is time for mommy to go good night. I will go in and give you kisses before I do. Stay my sweet little girl always. Remember that Daddy and I love you always.