Another Day
Who else feels like we are on the verge of WW3? It is scaring the crap out of me!! I can't watch the news without my stomach being in knots... I get sick feeling. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our daily lives, we don't see it nor does it effect how we live. It is hard to see it as something that is really happening when it is on the other side of the world. But it is and it is not looking so good...
I just had to get that out, I am going to now enclose myself in my bubble and go back in denial mode....
Em is still doing the poo. I hate military doctors, have I said that enough? Or at least the ones here. They all have a mind set for first time mothers... I am not the only to have complained about it so I know I am not making it up. I am sure Keith is rolling his eyes as he is reading this. He went to the doctor with us. The doctor stated that we should wait longer before doing tests... that her body still needed time to flush out whatever is bothering her. He could tell I was not happy, shit a chimp could tell I was not happy... that was when he started to address Keith and not myself. Here is the problem...
1. I did not call medical after only after a day of her shitting, I waited for over a week. That is why we were there, I felt I gave her enough time to get better.
2. I asked for something to help her tummy because I know she must have shit cramps. He wouldn't even give me that.
3. I told him I wanted tests done because I felt we had waited long enough. Again, he felt we should wait longer... (Keith agreed but understood how I felt). Here is my problem with that. I don't know if you remember but when Keith was gone Em got really sick. She couldn't breathe and was turning colors at some points. I went to the doctors SEVERAL times( and several times a day), only to be told that she just had whooping cough even after I made them do a chest xray... EVEN after they took the xray they said she was fine. ONE FUCKING WEEK later they called me back in a panic telling me to get to the hospital now because she did indeed have an infection in her lungs (very dangerous for a person born 9 weeks premature even at her age)...SO, DO YOU WONDER WHY I QUESTION THEIR ABILITY TO DIAGNOSE THINGS? I am going to be extremely pissed and upset if I go back in a few days, they do the test and come to find out she should have been on antibiotics. That she has been suffering for that much longer because they refused to fucking listen to me. I have to question every thing they say... I trust them maybe about 20percent of the time... BECAUSE they do have the mind set that all of us first time military moms do not know shit and they say and do things to patronize us. I have dealt with them for way too long now and their bullshit. I don't give a shit if they think I am pissed or being a bitch. I am the only one who is going to stick up for Em. I know her, they do not...It is just a job for them and I am sure they are tired of dealing with Moms and crying kids. BUT that is their fucking jobs, get your head out of your ass, get a bed side manner, act like you give a shit, and treat our kids!! Just because we get free medical coverage doesn't mean we shouldn't get quality service.
Nothing else is going on. It is going to be another hot ass day. Joy. The pine tress are almost sickly sweet smelling this time of year... the locus are out in full swing at night... it is almost deafening. The bugs are out, the fire ants have made mountains in my yard... I am ready for the Fall.
I added a couple of pictures on Em's photo blog. I need to start taking more pictures. I haven't done that is a while. I enjoy it but taking pictures in the house sucks. I am getting my Blog redone. I am paying somebody to do it. I totally need to learn how to design templates. I just hate photoshop. I know once you actually sit down and learn it that it isn't so bad... it is just the learning part!!
Well, that is all for now... Tata!
I just had to get that out, I am going to now enclose myself in my bubble and go back in denial mode....
Em is still doing the poo. I hate military doctors, have I said that enough? Or at least the ones here. They all have a mind set for first time mothers... I am not the only to have complained about it so I know I am not making it up. I am sure Keith is rolling his eyes as he is reading this. He went to the doctor with us. The doctor stated that we should wait longer before doing tests... that her body still needed time to flush out whatever is bothering her. He could tell I was not happy, shit a chimp could tell I was not happy... that was when he started to address Keith and not myself. Here is the problem...
1. I did not call medical after only after a day of her shitting, I waited for over a week. That is why we were there, I felt I gave her enough time to get better.
2. I asked for something to help her tummy because I know she must have shit cramps. He wouldn't even give me that.
3. I told him I wanted tests done because I felt we had waited long enough. Again, he felt we should wait longer... (Keith agreed but understood how I felt). Here is my problem with that. I don't know if you remember but when Keith was gone Em got really sick. She couldn't breathe and was turning colors at some points. I went to the doctors SEVERAL times( and several times a day), only to be told that she just had whooping cough even after I made them do a chest xray... EVEN after they took the xray they said she was fine. ONE FUCKING WEEK later they called me back in a panic telling me to get to the hospital now because she did indeed have an infection in her lungs (very dangerous for a person born 9 weeks premature even at her age)...SO, DO YOU WONDER WHY I QUESTION THEIR ABILITY TO DIAGNOSE THINGS? I am going to be extremely pissed and upset if I go back in a few days, they do the test and come to find out she should have been on antibiotics. That she has been suffering for that much longer because they refused to fucking listen to me. I have to question every thing they say... I trust them maybe about 20percent of the time... BECAUSE they do have the mind set that all of us first time military moms do not know shit and they say and do things to patronize us. I have dealt with them for way too long now and their bullshit. I don't give a shit if they think I am pissed or being a bitch. I am the only one who is going to stick up for Em. I know her, they do not...It is just a job for them and I am sure they are tired of dealing with Moms and crying kids. BUT that is their fucking jobs, get your head out of your ass, get a bed side manner, act like you give a shit, and treat our kids!! Just because we get free medical coverage doesn't mean we shouldn't get quality service.
Nothing else is going on. It is going to be another hot ass day. Joy. The pine tress are almost sickly sweet smelling this time of year... the locus are out in full swing at night... it is almost deafening. The bugs are out, the fire ants have made mountains in my yard... I am ready for the Fall.
I added a couple of pictures on Em's photo blog. I need to start taking more pictures. I haven't done that is a while. I enjoy it but taking pictures in the house sucks. I am getting my Blog redone. I am paying somebody to do it. I totally need to learn how to design templates. I just hate photoshop. I know once you actually sit down and learn it that it isn't so bad... it is just the learning part!!
Well, that is all for now... Tata!