Little Clone

Here is a cute picture from the Pumpkin Patch of course. Em had a good time there. I did too... It just got me to thinking though about Keith and how he should have been there with us too. Lots of daddies were taking pictures, helping pick up pumpkins, holding little hands, and giving smiles to the Mommies as parents do when their child does something cute. I miss sharing Em with Keith. I miss seeing her give him hugs and I miss hearing Keith's Daddy voice when he talks to Emmy. I miss laughing... Keith makes me laugh so much, I haven't laughed in a long time.
Anyways, Em liked the hayride even though it took forever to start. She was getting antsy and wanted to walk around. I was starting to get to the point where I want to track down the tractor driver and tell him we were on the verge of a toddler break down from Hell if he didn't get his ass moving.... Once we got moving though she enjoyed it. She sat on my lap and I of course took the opportunity to get my smelling time in!
Today we went to the Cracker Barrel (Yeah, I went back), with Elaine and Tabby for lunch. Em ate her usual amount of food which is usually appropriate for a growing teenage boy, when an older woman came up to our table. She told me she couldn't believe how well Em ate... She said she couldn't believe that she ate how much she ate, green beans and all. Yup, it official, you know your kid is a pigo when total strangers feel the need to approach you and comment on your kid's eating habits...
Em is developing her father's analness. Keith is horrible... I would hate to have to work for him or with him. It was a cause for a few fights when we first got married. He would get highly upset if things were out of place, not straight, in alignment... and so on. He would HATE it if I took a knick-knack and placed it at an angle. He would straighten it out and I would put it back the way I wanted it... we would go back and forth with this over and over again.... Keith also can't handle any change in the house. Whenever we move we decide where everything goes and it MUST stay there the entire time we live there. There is no moving of the furniture, no re-arranging the kitchen... it just does not happen. If I do something what he would consider drastic he will not be able to sleep or function until it is back the way it was or, in his mind the way it should be. It used to really bother my but now I could care less. However, it seem Em has some of her father's strange habits. The other night while I was giving Em a bath I didn't put her shampoo in the "right" spot. Being married to somebody who is so anal has made me become a creature of habit for his sake so I tend to put things back in their "spots". Yes, this does include putting bottles of shampoo in the same spot in the shower stall...... So, Em was playing with her shampoo bottle and I took it from her and placed it in the "wrong" spot. My 1.5 year old mind you, turned around and looked at me and growled... and then proceeded to take her bottle and place it in the "right" spot. Then she got her conditioner and put in its spot as well. Not only that but she then aligned them and made sure they were neat. Ummmm, Hello, she is 1 and half? What the HELL? She also has to make sure the bath toys are in the special basket when she is done playing with them. Can you say Mini Keith? Great, now I have to live with 2 anal-retentive freaks.... She is VERY picky about how she eats as well... I HAVE to give her her meat first or else she won't eat it at all. She will only eat one thing at a time. Her drink MUST go in the cup holder, if I dare put it on the tray she will knock it off... I am allowed to help her get food on her fork but by NO MEANS am I allowed to place the fork or spoon in her mouth, she will just spit it out. I am allowed however to hand her the fork or spoon with the food and then she will eat whatever is on it. If I DARE give her a plate of food with more than one item on it she will refuse to eat it. She will push it off the tray and on the ground... Do you see what I am a talking about people? If it is this bad now how is it going to be later? Oh yeah, that is right, I know already... I have lived with her father for 11 years now... HELP ME!! LOL
Well, people, my eyes are burning, I am so stink'in tired!! Until later...