A reason to be tired
This is my day today....
I have to bring Em in for her Well Baby appointment and get her FLU shot.
This is my night last night....
9-11 Read in Bed
11:15 Emmy crys
11:20 Emmy Screams and I go to check on her. No fever, just pissed. Try to lay her back down, is too upset to comply. Bring her to MY bed (I NEVER do this people)....
12:15 Emmy is still struggling with getting to sleep, will not hold still
12:30 Bring Em back to her Crib
12:36 Em screams her Bloody Brains out
1:15 Em in my bed sitting up wide awake
2:00 Put her back in her crib
2:15 I wake up to her screaming again.... go and get her
3:00 I check my email, go back to bed with Em as she finishes her milk and Motrin
3:30 Em Still is moving and won't lay still to sleep
4:00 Put Em back in Crib
7:00 Wake up with eyes burning trying to get ready to bring Em to doctor....
WHAT THE HELL? It must be her teeth, she is not sick to my knowledge. Of course she could have had a bad dream and was scared to go back to sleep. Whatever.... She has slept through the night since she was 3 months old.... I feel like back in the Baby Bootcamp days. My eyes are burning ( Yeah, I know I said that already), and I feel like I want to vomit... Should be a fun day... Flu shots and all.
I have to bring Em in for her Well Baby appointment and get her FLU shot.
This is my night last night....
9-11 Read in Bed
11:15 Emmy crys
11:20 Emmy Screams and I go to check on her. No fever, just pissed. Try to lay her back down, is too upset to comply. Bring her to MY bed (I NEVER do this people)....
12:15 Emmy is still struggling with getting to sleep, will not hold still
12:30 Bring Em back to her Crib
12:36 Em screams her Bloody Brains out
1:15 Em in my bed sitting up wide awake
2:00 Put her back in her crib
2:15 I wake up to her screaming again.... go and get her
3:00 I check my email, go back to bed with Em as she finishes her milk and Motrin
3:30 Em Still is moving and won't lay still to sleep
4:00 Put Em back in Crib
7:00 Wake up with eyes burning trying to get ready to bring Em to doctor....
WHAT THE HELL? It must be her teeth, she is not sick to my knowledge. Of course she could have had a bad dream and was scared to go back to sleep. Whatever.... She has slept through the night since she was 3 months old.... I feel like back in the Baby Bootcamp days. My eyes are burning ( Yeah, I know I said that already), and I feel like I want to vomit... Should be a fun day... Flu shots and all.