Sunday, November 06, 2005

Story Time

Once upon a time I lived in a little place I fondly call Hell.... The Marine Corps has another name for it though, MCAS Iwakuni, Japan . Keith and I like so many other families were stationed there for 3 years. We didn't have Emily yet then so it was just the two of us. Anyway, I say it was Hell for many many many reasons. One of them is that it is considered a remote installation and it is very small. You are cut off from everything you know, everyone you know.... your whole culture, your way of life. When we first arrived there we stayed in temporary housing, started seeing the sights, got settled in with the base, that sort of thing. Then reality hit us.... We had to live in a Japanese house out in the economy because there was no room for us on base, Keith was being deployed to Korea the very day we were moving in the house, I didn't know my way back and forth to base let alone drive in the opposite of everything.... When Keith left I had no furniture, no phone, no internet, neighbors that hated me because I was an American, I could not speak with anyone, I could not read their signs... This was the very beginning. During the three years we were there we saw Temples, the bridge, went to a festival, went out in the economy and explored... BUT it got boring very quickly... there was nothing was on base to do, it was small, nothing to buy, same old crap that is always there. There are only so many bridges and temples that you can look at people before you say "Fuck This Place". During this period as well Keith and I were fully into the baby thing... Surgeries, timing, charting, Temps, .... you name it.... I sank into a pretty major depression there.
Now, let's go back to the beginning.... While we were still in temporary housing we were told by the base that we had to show phycial proof that we were indeed looking for a house. So, everyday we would have to go to 10 real estate agencies and get a signature from them saying they had nothing available for us. Did I tell you that we arrived in January? Did I mention to that we didn't have a car for like a month after we got there? Well, not long after we got there we met a couple... There names were Dena and D (for Dumbass). Dena became my bud over there... I remember one morning I decided to go out to get the signatures and went down to her room in temporary housing because she had offered the day before to drive me. So, I go to her room, knock, and wait, and wait, and wait.... Ummm, it's 11 am, I KNOW she is awake..... she comes to the door with a blanket wrapped around her and is still half asleep. Hehe... Time to get up Dena, and take me out for my drive! So, she gets dressed and we go. Now, somebody should have told me that she had NEVER driven out in town yet herself... That is one ride that I will never forget... I think we both had a good strong drink after that! Anyway, this is the way it went for three years... we would all hang out ALL THE TIME. We ate together, watched TV together, worked together, quit together, and she made me laugh went I didn't want to. She refused to let me pout, and all she wanted for us to was have a good time. I really needed that then and I was thrilled that she was my friend....even when she was being a pain in the ass smiling and being happy when all I wanted to to do was sit around and bitch about everything...
Well as always in the Corp you move. Life happens, address are lost, numbers can't be found... you loose touch. Then one day while Keith and I were living in TX we found out that this couple that we spent so much of our time with were getting divorced. I almost threw up on the spot. I cried for them.... I was in denial for them. I won't get into specifics because it's nobodies damn business but let's just say he is an ASS! So, anyway, I get in touch with Dena, listen to her... be sad for her.... be mad for her.... everything. Time goes on and Emily comes along and everything that went along with having Em. Then we move, and Keith gets deployed. One day alone here I start to thinking of how hard it is really being a single mother.... then it hits me like a ton of bricks on how Dena has been doing it for over two years now. Her daughter was about the same age as Em is now... I started thinking allot about her, thinking of the past, thinking of her and what she has had to overcome. So, I start calling... and I can't get in touch with her. I do this for a bit then things happen and I remember again. Well, tonight was finally the night. I got in touch with her. I told her I had a new appreciation for her, that she is strong... I am not sure that I would have been the same. I listen to her... I mean really listen. She sounds happy, so I am happy. We talk about our kids, her job, her Ex, Keith... we catch up. We PROMISE TO KEEP IN TOUCH! And we better! She has email now and I am much much much better at emailing then calling. So we talk for a bit and I have to let her go because the turkey was ready for bed about a half hour ago.... I feel better saying goodbye this time knowing I mean to call again, to email. I wanted her to know that I am still there for her.... I know things have not been easy for her because in just the past few months things have not been easy for me. Why does it take that for me to recognize something about somebody else. I hate that about myself.... I must work on that. Anyway, Dena, if you are out there... You are one of the strongest women I know, you are a great Mother, a great friend... YOU BETTER KEEP IN TOUCH!! LOL