Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I can Feel The Love

Awwww, I feel all mushy inside! LOL I kind of wrote a little of this in the comments but I will write it again....
Thanks so much for letting me know that you are out there! I was kind of joking, kind of Not, ya know?
Anyway, I am glad that you all left something letting me know that you are indeed still out there... I have to remember that some people still have a life! :)

Bree hardly made a dent in the Squirrel world... I have about 100 of them living in my yard, in the woods behind me. The latest and not so greatest thing they have been doing now is going way up the tree above my roof and throwing acorns at my house. Why? I don't have a friggin clue but it sounds like God and a bunch of his friends are up on my roof bowling all day! I know you are thinking... Acorn? Bowling? But yes people, it is really that loud and the little bastards wake up at 6:30 and get their game on. So, all day yesterday I kept thinking that I would call housing... BUT what the HELL am I suppose to say to them? "Ummmmm, hello, Housing, I was wondering if you could make all the damn squirrels in the woods stop eating from tree above my roof because it is really loud?" Unless they give me a loaded weapon I don't see it stopping....
Speaking of a loaded weapon... I could use one for my neighbor's kids (Yeah, I am joking...kind of). We have had neighbors to the left of us with 4 boys and one girl on the way.... They are the kind of neighbors that have a whole lotta shit in their FRONT yard. What is a whole lotta shit? Besides all the plastic crap that parents have for kids and toys laying around.... They have a huge awning (is that right) screened in type thing... with a bar set and stools under it... a Lamp, a TV, they have lawn chairs surrounding a fire pit, three cars and only two people that drive... that is allot of shit in your front yard... I don't get why you think you need to have all that in your front yard. ( I don't understand why you need a TV outside for that matter). Why must you sit and relax and demand that they whole neighborhood watch you and make us look at all your damn clutter? It looks horrible and it is tacky! So anyway.... they are to the left of us with their pack of kids.... Then their best friends who lived further down moved into an empty house two houses to the right of us.... They also feel the need to leave lawn chairs and toys out for the world to see... but not as bad. Anyway, so now each member in both sets of family feel the need to use my lawn as a short cut to eachother's house. I know this is base housing and this isn't really MY yard but damn people... I do live here! The other evening I was sitting on the floor with Em and one of the husbands cut across my yard and was within two feet of my front door which was open (It is a glass/screen door), and he felt the need to look in my house both times as he walked by! He was so friggin close that I actually made eye contact with him!!! Do you see what I mean? They cut across my back yard as well, and their kids are always screaming, running around.... it is driving me nuts. I told Keith in an email that now we have matching book ends of white trash! This is one of the reasons I don't like living on base.... I don't really have control over crap like this, it isn't my house, not my property.... There are many benefits to living on base but this is a big negative!
About Em's lack of speech... I am not too worried yet. I am but I am not... know what I mean? Thanks for all the helpful advise and such. I really think when we go to NY she is going to pick it up... For now though I am going to enjoy the quiet! I am girl, I know what is coming... It is never going to stop once it starts! Stacie who wrote me an email yesterday because she normally can't comment on my Blog for some reason, had my laughing so hard! Here is a little piece of what she wrote, an example of what is to come of when the "Why's" start...
"Time to put your shoes on Em! Why?
So we can go to the store. Why?
so we can buy some food. why?
so we have something to eat. why?
because the cupboard is empty. why?
because I haven't been to the commissary in a month. why?
because the bag boy there is an asshole. why?
because his mommy didn't teach him any manners. why?
because she went crazy when his daddy went on deployment. why?
because she has to do everything herself with a minimum of help from others and doesn't have alot of daily contact with other people. why?
because she has to stay home and mop the floors on a regular basis. why?
because little turkeys walk around barefoot without their shoes on and might step in the messes they make from dumping their own sippy cups upside down on the floor. why?
because they take too much time asking why instead of getting their shoes onlike they're told. why?
because they want to see how many times I will have an answer to the whyquestion before I loose it. why?"
Is that not great of what? She is a Navy wife whose hubby is also gone right now. She works with Keith's brother, Ian. I hope I get the chance to meet her while I am in NY. She always has something so nice to say to me and has me laughing outloud when I read anything from her. Can you believe this chick fly's, as in airplanes? How cool is that? Thanks Stacie for the laugh and the support as well! Hope to see you soon!
Well, people... I think I hear a few Turkey gobbles coming from down the hall. I must go and see what that is about! Later....